Tuesday 21 June 2011

Beating Porn Addiction - A Simple Guide

Online Dating Guides Sexy BimboWith the proliferation of pornographic images, videos, and websites all over the Internet, it should not come as a surprise that a large number of people are currently suffering from a condition called pornography addiction.
As many of these people would attest, this problem can be very difficult to overcome. The first step in beating porn addiction lies in the understanding of the condition. Here is a simple guide that will tell you everything you need to know about pornography addiction.
What is Porn Addiction?
Pornography addiction is a subcategory of sexual addiction. In this condition, a person is addicted to using, looking, viewing, and reading of pornographic literature and visual images.
The word addiction comes into play when the person who makes excessive use of pornography can no longer function normally in the society because he or she is compelled to engage in the addictive activity for most parts of the day. Pornography can also give him or her euphoric feeling that can becomes extremely addictive in the long run.
What are the Causes of Porn Addiction?
The main cause of the addiction is the constant use of pornography. What leads to the constant use of pornography, however, is more important, and can be a multitude of external and internal factors. Some examples are deep-seated feeling of insecurity, fear of rejection in relationships, past trauma from physical or sexual abuse, exposure to pornography at a young age, and many more.
Why is a Porn Addiction a Problem?
Addiction to pornography is a problem because it alters perception. Continual use of pornography can change a person's view not only on sex but also on relationships and people in general. Men who are addicted to pornography begin to see women as mere sex objects, and this perception may hinder them from having a healthy relationship with a woman they truly love.
Additionally, pornography addiction can also hinder a person from functioning normally in a community. It may prevent him or her from performing a regular job effectively, from maintaining relationships, and from accomplishing important daily tasks. The person may be preoccupied with the use of pornography with little or no time left for essential things to do. These are but few of the reasons that make this condition a big problem.
How do I Break Porn Addiction?
Here are some proven ways on beating porn addiction:
  1. Admit that you have a problem. This is the first step in conquering your addiction. Without admission on your part, no real change is possible.
  2. Block porn sites from your computer. Ask a friend or loved one to do this for you. This way, you will not be able to disable the filtering system when you feel the craving to look at pornography.
  3. Be honest with your partner. There is an old saying: "You are only as sick as your secrets are."
  4. Join a self-help group in your area. A support group will help you greatly in overcoming this condition.
  5. Find new interests. Take on a new hobby, go out with your friends, meet people, do something valuable for the community-anything that can keep you busy and keep your mind off pornography would be a good thing to do.